Juniors end season in style!

100 juniors turned out last Sunday to play some hockey with all age groups mixed in  which was super to see, the weather held out and the junior section was able to celebrate the end of a successful season in style at the Cubs new home! 

Well done to all players and award recipients and of course to all our wonderful volunteers that make hockey happen! 

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  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management

BU12s 1s Top Table

Romsey 1s had their last 2 league games on Sunday 12th March. They had to secure a win against Romsey 2s and Southampton in order to finish top. They went out with a  fantastic attitude and desire to win. They played some beautiful hockey, passing, running into space and taking every shot on goal offered. Both games resulted in a high scoring game, with Romsey 2, 10-0 to Romsey 1s and Southampton, 11-0 to Romsey 1s.

Very proud of the boys for playing excellent hockey and working well as a team to secure their place at the top of the league. 

Proudly sponsored by:
  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management

Romsey BU12s 1s and 2s  impress at home!

Romsey 1s were unbeaten winning 7-0 against Trojans 2s and 6-0 against New Forest. 

What a great morning to be playing hockey! Romsey 1s demonstrated how beautiful a game of hockey is to watch when the ball is passed from player to player and then into the back of the goal.  They won both of their games without conceding a goal from the opposition.  Strong defending from Stanley G and Noah, strong passes by everyone and excellent goals from Zach, Stanley K and Henry and Jake.  Well played everyone.

Romsey 2s lost 1 and won 1.  8-0 loss to Bournemouth Tigers and 4-2 win against Southampton

It was tough match against Bournemouth Tigers but they battled hard.  There were some fabulous saves from William and a cracking stop from Guilio to keep the score line down. They did not let the loss get them down and game back really strong in thier second match.  Henry played well stopping a number of balls getting into thier D, Ruben’s stick work impressed us all, Ben stayed strong on the wing and Isaac and Guilio scored 2 excellent goals each. Sam and Ollie played really well for thier first ever matches! Well played everyone.

The coaches even earn’t some brownie points by remembering to take team photos 

Proudly sponsored by:
  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management

BU12s Home Derby

Romsey 1s played some super hockey to beat Southampton 7-0 in their first game.  Henry and Zach scored some excellent goals and Noah and Stanley held strong on defence. 

Romsey 2 played Salisbury and although the final score was 4-0, they battled hard and passed the ball beautifully to each other. Jake made some fabulous runs and was very unfortunate not to score today.

Romsey 1s and 2s final game was against each other! The final score was 3-0 with Isaac, Elijah and Zach scoring the goals.  Giulio and Lorenzo need a big shout out due to their tenacity and fearlessness defending a number of short corners! It was a fun game to watch.

Proudly sponsored by:
  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management

BU12s in Sunny Bournemouth on Sunday

Romsey 1s were unbeaten:

  • Won 8-2 against Trojans 2s
  • Won 5-1 against New Forest

Romsey 2s results:

  • Lost 6-1 to Southampton ..shame as it was only 2-1 down at half time
  • Lost 4-2 against Bournemouth

Some wonderful hockey played by both teams in glorious sunshine, well done all!

Proudly sponsored by:
  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management

Debut Friendly at Ganger Farm!

The under 12 boys 1s and 2s played a friendly against Basingstoke A & B, their first on the new home pitch at Ganger Farm.

Great to be back playing hockey on a sunny Sunday afternoon.  Fantastic goals by Zach (too many to recall how many!), and Stanley and runs down the wing by Jake, resulted in all wins for the Romsey 1s.

Romsey 2s battled hard against some fast-paced Basingstoke players. Luca scored some super goals and William played well in goal, saving numerous goals.

All in all, great to be back playing hockey and the boys are looking forward to their first league match next week.

Proudly sponsored by:
  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management

U12 Boys battle in Basingstoke

Today we took u12 boys to Basingstoke for the last games of the season. Missing 9 of our squad, we still managed to take 8 players, including Wlliam our u10s GK.

James made his debut and what an enthusiastic start to his hockey playing! 3 games today, we took a while to wake up, loosing to Basingstoke A 9-0.

The boys were lacking a bit of oomph so a talking to and a promise of scoring set them on their way to win the next game against Basingstoke B. With goals from Henry (with a sonic speed run up the right wing) and Noah in the first half, we were 2-0 up! At half time, I suggested they should up the ante to 3 goals and they certainly delivered. Goals from Noah, and 2 from Luca, ending 5-0 win.

Last up were Trojans, still excited from finding the back of the net, Noah opened the score sheet in the first minute…a cracking goal in front of Romsey supporters, who heard the crash of the backboard and knew he meant business! Sadly, we then went to sleep. Noah managed to score once more but the game ended 2-5 loss.

Well done boys, a hard day out in the sunshine with all boys rotating around all positions!

Proudly sponsored by:
  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management

In2 Hockey success!

Well done to all our In2 hockey teams over the last two weekends, the under 10 and under 12 boys and girls battled it out at Basingstoke hockey club along with all the other Hampshire clubs in a seven aside tournament with goal keepers and full hockey rules.

The teams were amazing with a lot of the players new to hockey and this format, all teams won at least one match and gained great experience of tournament hockey which they can use in the future.

The under 12 girls did exceptionally well and got through to the semi finals and agonisingly lost on penalty flicks but won the 3rd/4th play off to claim the bronze medal! Well done girls amazing!

Thanks again to all our coaches and parents who spent many hours at the tournament and preparing before hand , well done all!

Proudly sponsored by:
  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management

A Super Sunny Sunday for u12 boys

The under 12 boys played two matches this Sunday in glorious sunshine, the first match was a tough game against Bournemouth’s top team and a loss of 7-3 was a little harsh, the Bournemouth keeper made some fine saves.

The second match however was a win against Basingstoke A 3-2 and a great team performance.  In both matches the boys displayed some super skills and a possible goal of the season contender from Zach W that has the crowd applauding loudly! 

Well done boys , and good luck next week at the in2 hockey tournament.

Proudly sponsored by:
  • Phil Chapman-Sheath
  • Churchills-Property-Management